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- TidBITS#82/System_Heap
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- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- INIT Introduction
- Diving In
- Onto INITs!
- The Killer INIT
- Little Known Facts
- Summing It Up
- INIT Introduction
- -----------------
- INITs, the System Heap, and You
- by Andrew Welch
- This document came about because of the System Heap/INIT paranoia
- I've seen lately. It represents the total sum of the knowledge I
- have accumulated from writing system level software
- (INITs/cdevs/System Extensions) for three years and is accurate
- based on my experience and the experiences of many other Macintosh
- programmers.
- It will help you make rational decisions about resolving INIT
- conflicts, dispel some common myths, teach you a thing or two, and
- explain what really happens with all this System Heap stuff.
- Neophytes, forgive me if I confuse you with the programmer-speak
- necessary to explain this topic. Programmers, forgive me if I
- generalize issues for the sake of clarity.
- INITs, cdevs, Control Panels, System Extensions - these buzz-words
- stand for basically the same critters: low-level programs that
- load automatically when the system starts up. These are the
- programs that you toss into your System Folder. From now on, I
- will refer to them all as INITs, though there are some subtle
- differences between them that aren't important in this discussion.
- INITs are notorious for causing system crashes, conflicts, and
- general system weirdness. When technical support people hear that
- an INIT is causing problems, you'll inevitably hear something to
- the effect of "Have you tried expanding your System Heap?" What
- do they mean when they say this, and is it the ultimate solution?
- You may learn more about the way your computer works than you want
- to, but if you persevere you won't regret it. Knowledge is power.
- Hang on tight. But first, a little background...
- Diving In
- ---------
- For starters, your Macintosh has a fixed amount of memory
- installed in it, which acts like desk space for things you are
- currently working on. In real life, when you want to work on
- something you might take it out of your filing cabinet and put it
- on your desk where you can work on it effectively. This is similar
- to what a computer does: all of your programs and documents are
- stored on your hard disk, and when you want to work on them they
- are read in from disk and placed in memory.
- Life being what it is, you can't have everything. You only have a
- limited amount of memory that must be rationed out to the programs
- that you run. In fact, each program you run grabs a fixed chunk of
- memory when it loads, and it doesn't let go of the memory until
- you quit the program. This is the application's world to do with
- as it pleases. This is also known in technoweenie terms as a heap.
- Each application is said to have its own memory heap. You can set
- the size of this heap (how much memory the application will use,
- or how much of your desk space you're giving up to use the
- program). You can do this for any program by choosing "Get Info"
- for it in the Finder and entering how much memory you want it to
- use. That assumes you are running under System 7 or System 6's
- MultiFinder. Under older systems (sometimes called UniFinder) the
- programs that you run use all of your Macintosh's memory, so you
- can only run one program at a time.
- Well actually I just lied. Sorry about that, I realize I hardly
- know you and I've lied to you already. Your Macintosh has another
- heap that is always around (even if you aren't running any
- programs) called the System Heap. This is important. The System
- Heap is a chunk of memory that the system software (the nitty
- gritty, low level stuff) uses for its own purposes. Things with
- nasty names like device drivers, ROM patch code, etc. dwell there.
- It is a murky, convoluted place of which only Apple knows every
- nook and cranny, but a very important one nevertheless.
- So, a portion of your computer's memory (or RAM) is always
- occupied by the System Heap, an area of memory designated for the
- low-level system software from Apple and other nasties. The rest
- of your computer's memory is rationed off in chunks to the
- applications that you run on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Normally, we developers stay in our own little application heaps,
- insulated from the complexities of system-level software. There
- are times however that the only possible way to write the programs
- we dream of is to delve into the world of system software and the
- System Heap. Yes friends, we are talking about INITs (you knew I'd
- get around to it some day, right?).
- Onto INITs!
- -----------
- If a program wants to achieve some kind of a global effects (like
- QuicKeys allowing you to define macros that work in any program),
- it has to find out how to graft itself into your system and keep a
- portion of memory for itself that will stay around even when a
- program quits (remember folks, the memory a program allocates for
- itself is freed up again when it quits).
- We are talking sophisticated stuff here. Writing system software
- is extremely tricky stuff, and even for Apple who knows every
- little subtle nuance in the Macintosh, it is a tough thing to do
- right. That is why System 7 took so long and why Apple should be
- praised for System 7 - it works well, which is nothing short of a
- miracle. But I digress.
- You get the idea, writing system software is not for the faint of
- heart. In any case, INITs take a portion of System Heap memory for
- themselves when the computer starts up. It is also then that they
- "hook" themselves into the system software. When your computer
- first starts up, the System Heap is a certain fixed size. However,
- during the start up process, the System Heap grows automagically
- to accommodate an INIT that needs more memory for itself.
- For technoweenies, the mechanism that loads INITs at start up time
- and expands the System Heap as needed is called INIT31. There is a
- well known mechanism that any INIT writer worth his salt takes
- advantage of: 'sysz', or System Zone Expansion. This is a little
- parcel that all INIT writers should include in their products (it
- takes all of two minutes to put it in), because it tells the
- INIT31 mechanism how much memory the INIT needs to load. INIT31
- grows the System Heap so that there is at least this much memory
- free, and then loads and runs the INIT. In this way, any well-
- written INIT will tell INIT31 how much memory it needs, get it,
- and be happy. All is well in INIT-land.
- In a perfect world, our story would end here. But as I'm sure you
- suspect, there are a few twists. INITs have the power to affect
- the operation of your entire computer, and unfortunately they can
- also crash the whole thing too. INITs can run into several
- different snags regarding the System Heap, and I will go into them
- one by one so that you can understand what goes wrong and why.
- One thing we should get straight now - if your machine crashes
- because of an INIT, a programmer out there somewhere is at fault.
- Count on it. There are well established rules for writing INITs,
- so the real problem is that not all programmers understand the
- rules. Information on how to write INITs properly is also hard to
- come by, and programmers are only human - we're doing our best but
- we make mistakes.
- The Killer INIT
- ---------------
- When an INIT causes a problem, you'll hear ten people shout in
- unison, "Have you increased the size of your System Heap?" There
- are utilities out there that let you manually make the System Heap
- bigger in an effort to fix crashes due to INITs. However this
- isn't much of a solution. In some cases, increasing the size of
- your System Heap by 20K or so can be beneficial, because it gives
- the System Heap a little breathing room. If you still experience
- problems, increasing the System Heap more probably won't help you.
- It is kind of like this:
- You are in a room with a sadistic murder wielding a nasty looking
- knife, who definitely doesn't mean well for you. The bigger the
- room, the better chance you have to escape from him. Heck, if he
- is out of shape and the room is big enough, he may never catch
- you. But one day when you least expect it...
- The same goes for the System Heap size method of "curing" crashes.
- Here are the common causes of problems INITs can run into, and
- what you can do about them:
- Many INITs are simply badly written. No amount of fudging will
- help you avoid crashes from a badly written INIT, or two INITs
- that don't get along together. True, increasing the size of your
- System Heap may delay the inevitable. For instance, some INITs
- don't even bother to check if they actually have enough memory to
- do what they want, and increasing your System Heap a little (20K
- or so) should help this. But if an INIT is badly written, there
- may be nothing you can do about it. Increasing your System Heap
- memory to fix a blatant programming error is just a waste of
- memory.
- Many INITs don't bother to have 'sysz's, thus the INIT31 mechanism
- has no way of knowing how much memory to give to the INIT. In this
- case, increasing the size of your System Heap DOES INDEED cure!
- However the 'sysz' method has been documented by Apple for years,
- and I'd be suspicious of an INIT that doesn't take advantage of
- 'sysz' anyway.
- To understand this problem, I'll need to tell you a bit more about
- heaps. Heaps are called heaps for good reason. Imagine a big
- laundry basket into which you throw all your clothes. Heaps work
- in a similar manner. Fortunately for programmers, a maid called
- Memory Manager takes care of this mess. I call her Martha (just
- one of those things that keeps you sane when dealing with
- something that is NEVER wrong).
- When you want to put something in a heap, you ask Martha for the
- space for it, and she gives it to you if she can. Like all good
- maids, Martha knows that there is less space in a messy heap. So
- if she can't give you what you ask for immediately, she takes
- everything in the heap and cleans it up a bit to free up more
- room. This is a nice thing, but we all know the problem of coming
- into your room after someone else cleaned it - you can never find
- anything! Many INITs have this problem as well, and it is
- absolutely their fault, not Martha's. She can tell you where
- anything is, but some INITs don't bother to ask, they simply
- assume they know the location of their little chunk of memory and
- **crash**.
- There is one other twist to this situation as well. If Martha
- cleans everything up, and there still isn't enough room to satisfy
- a request for memory, she starts throwing things out. But it again
- isn't her fault, these things are specifically marked "Throw me
- out if you need the space." If an INIT doesn't take this into
- account, **crash**.
- Since the System Heap is shared by system software and all of your
- INITs, it is particularly active. However the whole scheme can and
- should work. Quite well in fact.
- In this situation, expanding your System Heap can delay crashes,
- because if Martha never has to move things or throw things out,
- badly written software will work most of the time. Realize though
- that you are sacrificing your precious memory to correct a defect
- in the software for which you paid good money.
- This is a tricky one that many programmers don't understand fully.
- Earlier I described the 'sysz' method for telling INIT31 how much
- memory an INIT needs to loads. It works as advertised, but there
- is a rub.
- The System Heap is shared memory, it is one big basket into which
- many hens put their eggs. Lets say we have an INIT called
- "Longcut" that has a 'sysz' specifying that it needs 50K of
- memory. INIT31 will free up 50K of memory, load the hypothetical
- "Longcut" INIT, and all should be well.
- However, let's say "Longcut" doesn't use all 50K of the memory it
- asks for at start up time. Let's say it uses 10K of memory at
- start up time to install itself, reserving the rest for later on
- when it actually works its magic. This is actually a very common
- situation. Logic would tell you that there should be 40K of memory
- left over that "Longcut" can count on being there, right? WRONG!
- As I said before, the System Heap is shared memory. If an INIT
- asks for more memory than it actually uses at start up time,
- whatever it doesn't use isn't reserved for it automatically;
- instead it is thrown "back in the pot," and can be used up by
- anyone. So later on when "Longcut" thinks it has room to spare, it
- actually might not and then, **crash**.
- Of course, some programmers know ways to properly program around
- this situation, but this particular situation is not well known.
- In this case, increasing System Heap memory can be beneficial as
- well, but only in a limited sense. Only the programmers know how
- much memory their INITs really need, and they should be the ones
- to fix the problem.
- Little Known Facts
- ------------------
- Many people do not realize this, but with all versions of
- MultiFinder, the System Heap can actually grow even _after_ start
- up time, easing INIT memory conflicts. If an INIT asks for more
- memory than is available, the System Heap will automagically get
- bigger. However there are two bad things about this: 1) the System
- Heap will grow, but never shrink again and 2) Several well
- respected Macintosh programmers have stated that they've seen
- cases where MultiFinder CANNOT expand the System Heap
- automatically, and die in the process. This is apparently
- extremely rare however.
- This makes claims of "you've got to increase your System Heap"
- even less powerful, because the system will increase it for you if
- need be.
- System 7 changes the game entirely, the System Heap can grow and
- shrink at will to accommodate requests for memory, eliminating
- many INIT memory problems entirely. However System 7 threw INIT
- writers several other curves, so you'll most likely need to
- upgrade your favorite INITs for use under System 7.0. You
- shouldn't have to increase your System Heap manually for System
- 7.0, but you never know... an extra 20K or so never hurt anyone.
- Summing It Up
- -------------
- Properly written INITs shouldn't exhibit any of the above stated
- problems. But if your Macintosh needs a little tweaking to get it
- working smoothly again, there is nothing wrong to giving a little
- more memory to the System Heap. In no case should you ever have to
- allocate more than 50K of extra memory to your System Heap. After
- a point, no amount of fudging will save you. Try to identify the
- culprit INIT that causes problems, and trash it. Or better yet,
- make sure you have the latest version of every INIT you use.
- Realize that INIT crashes/conflicts _do_not_ stem from lack of
- System Heap memory, but from improperly written software. Giving
- the System Heap extra memory may circumvent some problems, but it
- is not the source of them.
- When you choose "About the Finder" from the Apple Menu, there
- should be a little bit of white space (free memory) in the
- "System" memory bar. 5-10% or so should be fine.
- With that in mind, here are a few recommendations. INITs are
- particularly sensitive pieces of code, so expect them to be
- upgraded more frequently then other software products, and keep up
- with the current versions. Your Macintosh will be more stable if
- you use the current versions of the INITs you use, and if you use
- INITs only from well known and established vendors who support
- their products. Taking these precautions will result in a far more
- stable Macintosh than any amount of System Heap tweaking ever
- could.
- 20K - 50K of extra System Heap space (free System Heap memory),
- OK. That is a nice margin of error. More than that? Forget it,
- tell them to fix it!
- If you are interested in increasing the size of your System Heap,
- here are three free programs that manually adjust System Heap
- size:
- Heap Fixer
- BootMan
- Heap Tool
- Contact the author at:
- Andrew Welch
- Mark 3 Software
- 29 Grey Rocks Road
- Wilton, CT 06897
- ...and if you include a disk and a self-addressed, stamped mailer,
- I will send you the latest versions of my shareware programs!
- ..
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